Learning from the Innovate Project: Tailoring Contextual Safeguarding systems to meet local conditions

Learning from the Innovate Project: Tailoring Contextual Safeguarding systems to meet local conditions
Delivered online using Teams
09:30 - 11:00 Wednesday, 19 July 2023
Since 2014, policy development led by Department for Education has focused on funding innovation programmes, projects and evaluations with the aim of improving outcomes for children and families in ways that offer value for money.
One approach increasingly subject to testing and development has been Contextual Safeguarding, which addresses the ecological nature of harm by working with contexts beyond the home – such as friendship groups, schools and other environments (for more information, see this helpful toolkit of resources). This approach emphasises the importance of tailoring the new system to local conditions which can raise many challenging questions for local authorities, for example:
Where might responsibilities lie for work within contexts?
How can additional roles and tasks can be resourced?
This webinar presents learning from the Innovate Project – a four-year study funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. The project has carried out focused exploration of how social care and local safeguarding partners have been innovating to address extra-familial risks and harms. Jenny Lloyd and Michelle Lefevre will share learning from the project’s research sites, with a focus on the flexible and creative use of Contextual Safeguarding principles and practices.
This event is particularly relevant for local and national policymakers, commissioners, and practice leads responsible for designing and leading systems and services in local authorities and the voluntary and charitable sector.
Audience Types
Policy makers
Senior leaders
Strategic leads
Team leaders
Workforce development teams
Principal Social Worker (PSW)