Learning from the Innovate Project: Building collaborative, reflective structures to enhance innovation

Learning from the Innovate Project: Building collaborative, reflective structures to enhance innovation
Delivered online using Teams
09:30 - 11:00 Wednesday, 20 September 2023
In this webinar, Gillian Ruch will explore the place of emotions in innovation practice, focusing on the use of reflective discussion groups to support professionals engaged in innovation. The webinar presents learning from the Innovate Project – funded by the Economic and Social Research Council – which has been researching innovation and system change since 2019. Gillian will draw on her experience of convening a reflective discussion group of representatives from children’s and adult services in English and Scottish local authorities.
Analysis of these sessions has highlighted the emotionally malnourished context in which innovative practice is often located and the value of reflective spaces as a life-giving source of emotional nutrition for professionals. The session will conclude by exploring the concept of ‘emotional infrastructure’, a term coined by a group member, which underlines the role reflective spaces can play in generating deeper and more inclusive responses to the demands of practice innovation.
This event may be particularly relevant for local and national policymakers, commissioners, and practice leads responsible for designing and leading systems and services in local authorities and the voluntary and charitable sector.
Audience Types
Policy makers
Senior leaders
Strategic leads
Team leaders
Workforce development teams
Principal Social Worker (PSW)
Professional Standards
PQS:KSS - Organisational context | The role of supervision | Promote and govern excellent practice | Shaping and influencing the practice system | Emotionally intelligent practice supervision | Designing a system to support effective practice | Lead and govern excellent practice
PCF - Critical reflection and analysis | Professional leadership | Contexts and organisations