Working pre and post-birth with parents and infants in children’s social care: Children & families Partnership Conference

Working pre and post-birth with parents and infants in children’s social care: Children & families Partnership Conference
Delivered online using Teams
09:30 - 16:00 Thursday, 27 March 2025
The government’s Opportunity Mission includes explicit aims to develop integrated working across pre-birth, infant and family support services through the first 1,001 days of life. At this years' conference we'll explore what this means for those with children’s social care involvement in their lives pre and post-birth, many of whom are young care leavers.
We know that there is both immensely positive local innovation across the sector and very troubling evidence of the pressing requirement to do better by parents and infants with children’s social care involvement. The conference will build on the recent Research in Practice Pre-birth Change Project – which brought together academics, practitioners, and leaders to explore innovative approaches to policy and practice.
We will explore the evidence on the scale of the issues and showcase positive initiatives from across the country to do better by and with these families.
The conference will include sessions on:
- New research from MBRRACE-UK on mortality of mothers with children's social care involvement in their lives.
- Work by teams across the country to innovate and improve pre and post-birth working with infants and parents.
- The Centre for Child and Family Justice Research at Lancaster University share data from the first ever national study of newborn babies in care proceedings in England.
- The Giving HOPE Project, which is a collaboration between Lancaster University and Birth Companions that produces ‘connection boxes’ designed to help women whose babies are taken into care at birth.
Working closely with, and supporting, parents as early as possible in the pre-birth period can help them make the necessary changes, reducing the likelihood of care proceedings and minimising trauma if separation becomes necessary. Join us to learn from professionals and peers how to achieve the best possible outcomes for both parents and infants.
Learning outcomes
As a result of attending this event, you will be able to:
- Interrogate the complex landscape of pre-birth work to improve support and services for mothers where they are facing separation or who are at risk of recurrent care.
- Appraise different approaches and learn from peers how they are applying evidence and making change.
- Consider how policy changes can lead to opportunities for more effective and compassionate pre-birth work with parents.
Confirmed speakers include:
- Prof. Karen Broadhurst, Lancaster University
- Claire Mason, Lancaster University
- MBRRACE-UK researchers
Local initiatives changing the landscape of working pre-birth, with parents and infants:
- London Borough of Redbridge: Work developed within the Families First for Children Pathfinder.
- Swansea Council: Developing and integrating a multi-agency specialist pre-birth offer.
- Essex County Council: Developing multi-agency pre-birth work, assessment tools and protocols.
- Leeds City Council: Supporting young parents through pre-birth work.
Designed for
The Partnership Conference is aimed at people working in children and families’ social care from across the Research in Practice Partner network, including Heads of Service, practice leaders, workforce development leaders, principal social workers, practice educators, team managers and practitioners.
You may wish to invite colleagues in health/midwifery to join the conference. They may be able to access a conference place by using your organisation’s guest accounts allocation. To make use of this option, please contact your organisation’s Link Officer. If you are unsure who your Link Officer is, please contact
Request your place through the button at the top of this page. We are able to offer up to four places per Research in Practice children & families Partner at this conference. For queries and information please contact our events team by emailing
This conference will be delivered using Microsoft Teams. Please note adding this event to your calendar does not confirm your place at this event. Details of how to access the event will be sent a week before only to those with a confirmed place.
Audience Types
Senior practitioners
Social workers
Team leaders
Workforce development teams
Professional Standards
PQS:KSS - Relationships and effective direct work | Analysis, decision-making, planning and review | Child and family assessment | Developing excellent practitioners | Shaping and influencing the practice system | Confident analysis and decision-making | Purposeful and effective social work | Promote and govern excellent practice | Lead and govern excellent practice | Creating a context for excellent practice | Designing a system to support effective practice | Developing excellent practitioners | Support effective decision-making | Quality assurance and improvement
CQC - Effective | Caring | Responsive | Well-led | Safe
PCF - Values and ethics | Rights, justice and economic wellbeing | Knowledge | Critical reflection and analysis | Contexts and organisations | Professional leadership
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We will contact you should places become available.