Building and sustaining a resilient system: Video learning resources
These videos take a strategic lens to explore what a resilient system looks and feels like for the workforce and for people accessing support, and the role that inspection, regulation and marketisation can play on system resilience.
Pooley and Cohen (2010) define resilience as ‘the potential to exhibit resourcefulness by using available internal and external recourses in response to different contextual and developmental challenges.’ How resilient does your organisational system feel at the moment?
Resilience is sometimes misinterpreted as meaning an individual’s ability to cope, instead of looking at the features and conditions of the system in which people can thrive. The challenging landscape currently facing children’s and adults’ services requires a wider perspective in order to consider what it means to build a resilient system.
These videos take a strategic lens to explore what a resilient system looks and feels like for the workforce and for people accessing support, and the role that inspection, regulation and marketisation can play on system resilience.
The films
Yvette Stanley (Ofsted) and Neil Thompson (Care Quality Commission (CQC)) talk about the role of CQC, Ofsted and other partners in creating a culture of inspection that is collaborative and relational.
(Length: 18 minutes)
Reflections on the National Audit Office’s report on the adult social care market and its insights and recommendations for future social care reforms.
(Length: 5 minutes)
Examining the relationship between a care organisation and people who access services.
(Length: 6 minutes)
How system leaders might work at the strategic, operational and personal level to deal with issues around recruitment and retention.
(Length: 4 minutes)
Insight from the longitudinal study of local authority child and family social workers around changes in the system and how individuals’ career paths and attitudes change over time.
(Length: 3 minutes)
Considering the importance of relationships and collaboration when nurturing activism.
(Length: 2 minutes)
These resources were developed from sessions held at Leaders’ Forum, which focused on the role of leaders in building and sustaining a resilient system.
Related content on this subject is available below.
Professional Standards
PQS:KSS - Lead and govern excellent practice | Creating a context for excellent practice | Designing a system to support effective practice
CQC - Safe | Effective | Well-led
PCF - Contexts and organisations | Professional leadership
RCOT - Collaborative | Monitor resources