Mobilising learning theory in practice

Mobilising learning theory in practice
Delivered online using Teams
10:00 - 12:00 Wednesday, 12 June 2024
Designed for learning and development colleagues, these sessions aim to build capacity within your organisation by increasing your understanding of learning theories, and discussing how you might develop your organisation’s approach to learning.
In this online workshop, we will discuss how learning is viewed in your organisation, and how you might take action to change this. We will examine learning as part of the complex system of work, and not as an end in itself.
This session will explore:
- The key learning theories which support mobilising theory into practice.
- The different theoretical approaches to learning to encourage change.
This event is part of the ‘Learn and deliver’ programme, designed to support individuals providing learning and development in organisations.
Audience Types
Workforce development teams
Professional Standards
PQS:KSS - Organisational context | Promote and govern excellent practice | Developing excellent practitioners | Shaping and influencing the practice system | Purposeful and effective social work | Creating a context for excellent practice | Developing excellent practitioners | Organisational context | Developing confident and capable social workers
CQC - Effective
PCF - Contexts and organisations
RCOT - Support development