What we mean by 'learning' and why digital learning is not an optional extra

What we mean by 'learning' and why digital learning is not an optional extra
Delivered online using Teams
13:00 - 15:00 Wednesday, 2 October 2024
Designed for learning and development colleagues, these sessions aim to build capacity within your organisation by increasing your understanding of digital learning theories and discussing approaches to developing and sustaining a strong learning culture in your organisation.
In this online workshop, we will discuss how the way we learn has developed in our digital world, and the implications for how we learn in our organisations. We will look at how digital learning can help us to meet the needs of our workforce.
This session will explore:
- Definitions of a learning culture and how to respond to them within a hybrid setting.
- The drivers to improve digital skills in social care.
- Skills and confidence in developing and delivering engaging online learning.
This event is part of the ‘Learn and deliver’ programme, designed to support individuals providing learning and development in organisations.
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We will contact you should places become available.
Audience Types
Workforce development teams
Professional Standards
PQS:KSS - Organisational context | Promote and govern excellent practice | Developing excellent practitioners | Shaping and influencing the practice system | Purposeful and effective social work | Creating a context for excellent practice | Developing excellent practitioners | Organisational context | Developing confident and capable social workers
CQC - Effective
PCF - Contexts and organisations
RCOT - Support development