Social care practitioners are increasingly working in a digital world. New Research in Practice resources explore digital technology and social care practice.
Technology has the potential to transform the way we design and deliver social care, however it needs to be implemented in a way that is inclusive and accessible to all. With most areas now taking a digital-first approach, there is a risk that people without access to digital resources are being left behind.
A series of open access Research in Practice videos share findings around the increased use of digital technologies within social work and explore where there are opportunities to develop practice.
In a new blog, Kate Holmes explores digital exclusion and how we can ensure that everyone feels able to access and use technology. Additionally, Professor Jon Glasby introduces a digital project that sought to understand the experiences of people who access care and support, carers and front-line staff.
It is important to understand how digital technology can effectively be embedded into social care to support positive outcomes. These Research in Practice resources explore digital technology and social care practice.
With local authorities taking an increasingly digital-first approach, there is a real risk that people without access to digital resources are being left behind. In this blog, Kate Holmes reflects on eight months working in the field of digital inclusion.
Jon Glasby, Professor of Health and Social Care at the University of Birmingham and Director of IMPACT, the UK centre for implementing evidence in adult social care, shares findings of a new research project on the implementation of new technology in care settings.
These three open access videos share findings around the increased use of digital technologies in social work and where there are opportunities to develop person-centred practice going forward.
Digital social care

Social care is at an in-between state between analogue and digital. Research in Practice resources explore digital social care and examine the learning we can draw from new ways of working.
This podcast explores digital social care and examines the learning we can draw from new ways of working.
A dedicated website, Choosing Digital provides a collaborative decision-making tool that recognises the benefits of a blended approach to interaction (both in-person and digital) between young people and their social care workers.
This Practice Tool aims to promote reflection, learning and practice improvement within virtual conversations in adult social care. It draws on the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, during which virtual conversations have increased significantly, and looks to apply this learning to future practice.