A brighter social care future: Co-producing the evidence to make five key changes

A brighter social care future: Co-producing the evidence to make five key changes
Delivered online using Teams
14:00 - 15:00 Friday, 22 March 2024
An open access event will provide an opportunity to hear key messages from a new Evidence Review co-produced by Research in Practice and Social Care Future. This was a wide-ranging project that brought together groups of people, with different lived experiences of social care, to talk about five key changes needed in social care in order to unlock an equal life.
The event will focus on the evidence review’s core messages, introduce the web-based open-access resource, and support all those who work in adult social care to take action in the five key areas. It will also bring together some of the people involved in the project to reflect on their experiences of co-production, and to share learning and insights around the enablers and challenges to effective co-production.
This online event is taking place as part of Social Work Week 2024.
Audience Types
People with lived experience and their families
Policy makers
Residential / care home workers
Senior leaders
Senior practitioners
Social workers
Strategic leads
Team leaders
Workforce development teams
Principal Social Worker (PSW)